Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Help us find a comet

We are posting these videos for public review and would like your help in locating a comet that maybe visible from the AIA telescopes. At 2011/10/01 13:25, a sun-grazing or Kreutz comet could be seen by LASCO C2 (see first video) barreling towards the sun. At 2011/10/01 18:12, it entered the occulting disk and we believe the AIA telescopes may have viewed the comet stepping across the face of the sun. For the highest quality videos right click on the links below the videos and save them to your computer. This video posted on youtube is an example of what you're looking for. If you do find our missing comet tweet your finds to @NASA_SDO.

Link to larger res.
Do sun-grazing comets cause CMEs? Check out http://sungrazer.nrl.navy.mil/index.php?p=news/comets_cmes for some thoughts about the coincidences between comets, occulter disks, and CMEs.

AIA 171

Link to larger res
Link to youtube version

AIA 193

Link to larger res
Link to youtube version

AIA 211

Link to larger res
Link to youtube version